Hits: 14179

Below are links to documents that may be of interest to our members and volunteers.

Health & Safety Information
* Health & Safety Statement (September 2024)

* Health & Safety General Statement of Policy and Risk Assessment (September 2024)

Volunteer Stewards
* Duty Stewards Checklist, V5.01 (December 2024)

* Duty Stewards Training & Reference Notes, V5.01 (December 2024)

Link to MemberMoJo
To check your own details or to find the contact details (email address and contact number) for another member click on this link to MemberMoJo.

Want to Help?
As you know, we are wholly dependent on volunteers coming forward to help to ensure the smooth running of the Club. As it stands at the moment help with the following would be very welcome:

If you feel that you have something to offer our Club and would like to help please contact Brian Foster (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.