DATES for your DIARY – 2024-25

Monday evenings,

Ukulele Group
The Ukulele Group meets each Monday evening (except Public Holidays) to practise and play a range of tunes.

If you are interested but haven't joined the group yet please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and one of the group will contact you.

Tuesday afternoons,

Card Games Afternoon
Jackie and David Chamberlain 
are organising this weekly event during the colder months. They will supply the cards and games so you'll have an opportunity to play well established games like Crib and Whist and lots of new games too. There will be a tea/coffee break (£1.00) half-way through. 

Wednesday evenings,

Weekly Games Evening & A Chance to Meet Up for a Chat 
Mike Richardson
provides a selection of interesting games that he can introduce you to OR you can bring your favourite game with you to play with other members OR just come along to enjoy a chat. You may also be able to enjoy a light supper and drink while there. 

Last Monday of each Month, 10:00-13:00
Please note:
If the last Monday of the month is a Public holiday the meeting is held on the previous Monday.

Monthly 'Craft and a Chat' Open Morning
Whether it's needle crafts such as knitting, crochet, embroidery, cross stitch, needle felting or model making that interest you, just bring your materials along to this relaxed setting. If you are looking for inspiration or guidance, or you just fancy a cuppa anyway, come along and see what others are doing and take it from there.

If the last Monday of the month is a public holiday the meeting is held on the previous Monday.


14 February 2025
Disco Evening with DJ Keith

As usual the bar opens at 18:30 ready for the music to start at 19:00.

£5.00 for Members and £6.00 for a Full Member's Guest.

Booking for Members and a Full Member's Guest is NOW open.
(Places are limited to 35.)

To book a place please send an email to GLENDA 
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Booking for a second guest opens on Monday, 10 February 2025.

A cheese or ham Ploughman's is available  £3.00.

It would be a great help if you include your food order when booking your place. 

22 February 2025
February's Quiz Evening
More details to follow soon.



Bingo Evening, Satursay, 1 February 2025

January's Quiz, Saturday, 24 January 2025

Music Evening with Andrea, Friday, 10 January 2025
Once again the music evening with Andrea was very successful. She sang a wide range of songs that were easy to listen to while the more energetic took to the dance floor.

Wine Tasting 'Surprising Wines' Evening, Friday, 26 April 2024
We had a very enjoyable wine tasting evening in the Pavilion on Friday, 26 April 2024 with the theme 'Surprising Wines' led by our own Phill Humphries.

All the wines proved to be surprising in different, generally pleasant, ways. Who knew that India makes an excellent Chenin Blanc or that a wine called 'Barista' actually does have coffee aromas?!

We plan to hold another wine tasting evening in the autumn with the theme of 'Wines for Christmas.

 Some of the 'Surprise Wines'