26/10/2021 | Pairs & Triple Friday 22 October - RESULTS
Mary & Tom Costello, Avril Wright 15pts
Mick Burgess & Michael Trippick 14pts
John Norrish & Howard Wilkins 11pts |
26/10/2021 | Pairs Wednesday 20 October - RESULTS
Ted McGrath & Bob Parkin 9pts
Pete Crowley & Mick Burgess 13pts
Mary & Tom Costello 23pts
26/10/2021 | Single & Pairs Friday 15 October - RESULTS
Micheal Trippick & Steve Dallen 11pts
Geeti Granger & Roger Ebbutt 12pts
Martin Sparshottt & Mick Burgess 10pts Mike Richardson 19pts |
26/10/2021 | Single, Pairs & Triples Wednesday 13 October - RESULTS
Nuala Atkey & Pete Crowley 14pts
Bob Parkin 9pts
Carol Carter, Richard Bousher & Alan Dickinson 13pts Micheal Trippick & Steve Irons 13pts Ruth Newton & Mike Richardson 10pts
26/10/2021 | Pairs & Triples Friday 8 October - RESULTS
Jean & Keith Lambert and Neil Morgan 12pts
Di Pickford & Sue Dickinson 13pts
Jo & David Lougher & Nuala Atkey 11pts Mike Richardson & Mike Eaton 17pts |
26/10/2021 | Pairs Wednesday 6 October - RESULTS
Brenda Morgan & Pete Crowley 16pts
Mick Burgess & Mike Richardson 13pts
David Lougher & Ben Greenlees 10pts
26/10/2021 | Pairs Friday 1 October - RESULTS
Wendy Peters & Steve Irons 9pts
Geeti Granger & Michael Trippick 11pts
Mike Richardson & Steve Puttock 19pts
2/10/2021 | Pairs & Single Friday 24 September - RESULTS
Michael Trippick & Bob Parkin 19pts
Geeti Granger & Graham Nicklen 9pts
Mike Richardson 15pts
2/10/2021 |
Triple & Single Wednesday 22 September - RESULTS Michael Trippick, Mick Burgess & Ted McGrath 11pts
Mike Richardson 18pts
20/9/2021 | Pairs Friday 17 September - RESULTS
Geeti Granger & Michael Trippick 20pts
David Lougher & Mick Burgess 8pts
20/9/2021 |
Triples Wednesday 15 September - RESULTS Brenda & Neil Morgan and Ted McGrath 9pts
Teresa Attlee, Sue Dickinson & Michael Trippick 9pts
20/9/2021 | Single & Pairs Friday 10 September - RESULTS
Shelagh Clarke 16pts
David Charleton & Graham Nicklen 12pts
Wendy Peters & Michael Trippick 19pts Mick Burgess & Mike Richardson 13pts |
20/9/2021 |
Pairs Wednesday 8 September - RESULTS Debbie Martin & David Lougher 11pts
9/9/2021 | Pairs & Triples Friday 3 September - RESULTS
Avril Wright & Tom Costello 14pts
Sam Sadler & Phil Malin 13pts
Nuala Atkey & Teresa Attlee 9pts Brenda Morgan, Geeti Granger & Martin Sparshott 13pts Mike Richardson & Michael Trippick 28pts
9/9/2021 |
Pairs & Triples Wednesday 1 September - RESULTS Mary Costello, Michael Trippick & David Lougher 9pts
Geeti Granger & Neil Morgan 14pts
Debbie Martin, Mick Bugess & Alan Dickinson 17pts |
3/9/2021 | Single, Pairs & Triples Friday 27 August - RESULTS
Ian Oldfield 9pts
Teresa Attlee, Nuala Atkey & Howard Wilkins 11pts
Martin Sparshott, Jo & David Lougher 17pts Rob Renshaw, Mike Richardson & Phil Malin 8pts Brenda & Neil Morgan 15pts
Debbie Martin, Tracey Wilkins & Mike Eaton 15pts |
3/9/2021 |
Pairs & Triples Wednesday 25 August - RESULTS Debbie Martin & Phil Malin 14pts
Mike Masson & Michael Trippick 13pts
Nuala Atkey, Mike Eaton & Bob Parkin 20pts Jo & David Lougher 17pts Mike Richardson, Sue & Alan Dickinson 17pts |
23/08/2021 | Pairs Friday 20 August - RESULTS
Debbie Martin & Tracey Wilkins 12pts
Howard Wilkins & Michael Trippick 18pts
Geeti Granger & Avril Wright 9pts Mary & Tom Costello 13pts Sue & Alan Dickinson 13pts
Brenda & Neil Morgan 20pts Steve Puttock & Bob Parkin 21pts
23/08/2021 |
Pairs & Triple Wednesday 18 August - RESULTS Sam Sadler & Bob Dickie 10pts
Mary & Tom Costello 22pts
Debbie Martin, Ivor Cahill & Bob Parkin 12pts Jo Lougher & Gaynor Payne 11pts |
19/08/2021 |
Pairs & Triple Friday 13 August - RESULTS Shelagh Clarke & Sam Sadler 17pts
Mary & Tom Costello 13pts
Alan Dickinson & Mick Burgess 9pts Debbie Martin, Steve Puttock & Mike Masson 20pts |
19/08/2021 |
Triples Wednesday 11 August - RESULTS Howard Wilkins, Margaret & David Gray 8pts
Mike Masson, Caroline & Ivor Cahill 11pts
Brenda & Neil Morgan & Alan Dickinson 15pts Jo & David Lougher & Steve Cowdrey 13pts |
9/8/2021 | Pairs Friday 6 August - RESULTS
Mary & Tom Costello 10pts
Mike Masson & Sam Sadler 17pts
Caroline & Ivor Cahill 11pts Jo Lougher & Alan Dickinson 13pts Steve Puttock & Michael Trippick 16pts
9/8/2021 | Pairs Wednesday 4 August - RESULTS
Mary & Tom Costello 10pts
David Lougher & Mick Burgess 9pts
Sam Sadler & Howard Wilkins 11pts Alan Dickinson & Mike Richardson 10pts Caroline Cahill & David Gray 5pts
3/8/2021 | Pairs & Triples Friday 30 July - RESULTS
Mary Costello & Shelagh Clarke 14pts
Sam Sadler & Phil Malin 16pts
Caroline Cahill, Mike Masson & Bob Parkin 18pts Nuala Atkey, Steve Cowdrey & Howard Wilkins 15pts Mike Eaton, Tony Glover & David Lougher 15pts
3/8/2021 | Pairs & Singles Wednesday 28 July - RESULTS
Mary & Tom Costello 11pts
Mick Burgess & Bob Parkin 15pts
Phil Malin & Jo Lougher 19pts Mike Richardson 21pts |
30/7/2021 | Triples Friday 23 July - RESULTS
Dave Meredith, Graham Nicklen & Ian Oldfield 15pts
Howard Wilkins, Michael Trippick & Debbie Martin 14pts
Steve Puttock, Mike Richardson & Bob Parkin 25pts |
30/7/2021 | Pairs & Triples Wednesday 21 July - RESULTS
Howard Wilkins, Michael Trippick & Alan Dickinson 15pts
Bob Parkin & Ted McGrath 15pts
19/07/2021 | Pairs Friday 16 July - RESULTS
Debbie Martin & Tracey Wilkins 10pts
Di Pickford & Mike Masson 10pts
Steve Puttock & Howard Wilkins 13pts Michelle Upfield, Shelagh Clarke & Mick Burgess 17pts |
19/07/2021 | Pairs & Singles Wednesday 14 July - RESULTS
Avril Wright & Wendy Peters 13pts
Debbie Martin & Phil Malin 19pts
Mary & Tom Costello 12pts Mick Burgess 13pts Jenny Ashby & Geeti Granger 11pts
Mike Richardson 11pts |
11/07/2021 | Pairs Friday 9 July - RESULTS
Shelagh Clarke & Sam Sadler 14pts
Ian Oldfield & Bob Parkin 15pts
Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 10pts Sue Norrish & Jean Lambert 9pts Steve Cowdrey & Barry Carter 16pts
Mike Masson & Mike Richardson 14pts Tracey Wilkins & Mike Eaton 12pts
11/07/2021 | Pairs Wednesday 7 July - RESULTS
Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 20pts
Shelagh Clarke & Mick Burgess 12pts
Mike Masson & Martin Sparshott 10pts Sue & Alan Dickinson 16pts |
05/07/2021 | Ladies v Men Singles & Pairs Friday 2 July - RESULTS
Tom Costello 13pts
Sam Sadler & Barry Carter 16pts
Ian Oldfield & David Lougher 11pts Shelagh Clarke & Debbie Martin 9pts Michael Trippick & Bob Parkin 13pts
Alan Dickinson & Ivor Cahill 12pts Mike Masson 11pts
Mick Burgess & Mike Richardson 9pts |
01/07/2021 | PAIRS Wednesday 30 June - RESULTS
Mary & Tom Costello 18pts
Mike Eaton & Steve Cowdrey 11pts Carol & Barry Carter 13pts Alan Dickinson & Ivor Cahill 11pts
Sue Dickinson & Caroline Cahill 16pts Debbie Martin & Mike Masson 12pts
27/06/2021 | PAIRS Friday 25 June - RESULTS
Sam Sadler & Mick Burgess 14pts
Graham Nicklen & Dave Meredith 12pts Mike Masson & Phil Malin 14pts Debbie Martin & Gaynor Payne 19pts
Sue & Alan Dickinson 16pts Steve Puttock & David Lougher 11pts
Mike Richardson & Rob Renshaw 17pts |
27/06/2021 | PAIRS Wednesday 23 June - RESULTS
Jean & Keith Lambert 10pts
Jo & David Lougher 8pts Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 20pts Debbie Martin & Mike Masson 10pts
Sue & Alan Dickinson 15pts |
21/06/2021 | PAIRS Tuesday 15 June - RESULTS
Di Pickford & Mike Masson 16pts
Jo & David Lougher 10pts Wendy Peters & Steve Cowdrey 9pts Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 14pts
14/06/2021 | PAIRS Friday 11 June - RESULTS
Shelagh Clarke & Mick Burgess 12pts
Wendy Peters & Paul Todd 14pts Mike Masson & Martin Sparshott 10pts Gaynor Payne & Howard Wilkins 11pts
Mike Eaton & Tony Glover 6pts Mary & Tom Costello 12pts
Steve Puttock & Steve Cowdrey 14pts |
14/06/2021 | PAIRS Wednesday 9 June - RESULTS
John Norrish & Mick Burgess 12pts Nuaka Atkey & Steve Cowdrey 10pts Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 11pts Jo & David Lougher 16pts
Mike Masson & Howard Wilkins 13pts |
06/06/2021 | PAIRS Friday 4 June - RESULTS
Mary Costello 11pts Wendy Peters & Shelagh Clarke 6pts Alan Dickinson 8pts Sue Dickinson & Caroline Cahill 10pts
Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 11pts Gaynor Payne & Mike Masson 8pts
Jo & David Lougher 20pts Mick Burgess & Steve Puttock 22pts |
06/06/2021 | PAIRS Tuesday 1 June - RESULTS
Carol & Barry Carter 12pts Michelle & Chris Upfield 20pts Phil Malin 15pts Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 15pts Wendy Peters & Mike Richardson 17pts Mary & Tom Costello 14pts |
31/05/2021 | PAIRS Friday 28 May - RESULTS
Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 21pts Tracey Wilkins & Mick Burgess 14pts Caroline Cahill & Sue Dickinson 12pts Paul Todd & David Lougher 14pts
Wendy Peters & Steve Cowdrey 14pts Mike Eaton 10pts Nuala Atkey & Steve Puttock 16pts
31/05/2021 | PAIRS Wednesday 26 May - RESULTS
Bob Parkin & Ted McGrath 20pts Nuala Atkey & Mike Eaton 15pts Mick Burgess & John Norrish 11pts David Lougher & Mike Masson 20pts
Linda & Peter McWIlliam 11pts |
31/05/2021 | PAIRS Tuesday 18 May - RESULTS
Geeti Granger & Shelagh Clarke 11pts Gaynor Payne & Steve Cowdrey 12pts Wendy Peters & Mike Eaton 9pts Caroline Cahill & Sue Dickinson 20pts
Carol & Barry Carter 11pts Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 15pts |
17/05/2021 | PAIRS Friday 14 May - RESULTS
Bob Parkin & Ted McGrath 17pts
Jean & Keith Lambert 11pts Gaynor Payne & Steve Cowdrey 12pts Sue & Alan Dickinson 15pts
Debbie Martin & Tracey Wilkins 10pts Mike Eaton & Tony Glover 13pts Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 13pts
Di Pickford & Mike Masson 7pts |
17/05/2021 | PAIRS Wednesday 12 May - RESULTS
Bob Parkin & Ted McGrath 13pts
Mary & Tom Costello 21pts Wendy Peters & Steve Cowdrey 16pts Di Pickford & Mike Masson 15pts
Caroline Cahill & Sue Dickinson 17pts Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 18pts Jo & David Lougher 10pts
17/05/2021 | PAIRS Friday 7 May - RESULTS
Linda & Peter McWilliam 28pts
Wendy Peters & Steve Cowdrey 14pts Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 11pts Debbie Martin & Tracey Wilkins 12pts
Dave Meredith & Graham Nicklen 16pts Alan Dickinson & Ivor Cahill 18pts David & Jo Lougher 11pts
Geeti Granger & Steve Puttock 14pts |
17/05/2021 | PAIRS Tuesday 4 May - RESULTS
Gaynor Payne 9pts
Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 13pts Jo & David Lougher 12pts Nuala Atkey & Mike Eaton 11pts
Sue & Alan Dickinson 13pts |
17/05/2021 | PAIRS Friday 30 April - RESULTS
Geeti Granger & Ian Oldfield 12pts
Bob Parkin & Ted McGrath 10pts Nuala Atkey & Peter McWilliam 8pts Wendy Peters & Sam Sadler 7pts
Di Pickford 6pts Shelagh Clarke & Steve Puttock 16pts |
11/05/2021 | PAIRS Wednesday 28 April - RESULTS
Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 11pts
Brenda & Neil Morgan 10pts Bob Parkin & Ted McGrath 17pts Geeti Granger & Mike Eaton 8pts
Di Pickford & Mike Masson 8pts |
11/05/2021 | PAIRS Friday 23 April - RESULTS
Debbie Martin & Phil Malin 13pts
Jean & Keith Lambert 9pts Mike Eaton & Tony Glover 25pts Michael Trippick & Howard Wilkins 27pts
Bob Parkin & Steve Cowdrey 9pts |
11/05/2021 | PAIRS Friday 20 April - RESULTSJo & David Lougher 12pts
Michael Trippick / Howard Wilkins 17pts Geeti Granger / Tom Costello 10pts Di Pickford / Mike Masson 12pts |
11/05/2021 |
PAIRS Friday 16 April - RESULTS
Di Pickford / Mike Masson 12pts
Bob Parkin /Ted McGrath 11pts Dave Meredith / Graham Nicklen 12pts Debbie Martin / Phil Malin 18pts Michael Trippick / Howard Wilkins 12pts Jean & Keith Lambert 8pts |
11/05/2021 |
PAIRS Wednesday 14 April - RESULTS
Shelagh Clarke / Geeti Granger 10pts
Mick Burgess / Martin Sparshott 12pts Michelle & Chris Upfield 20pts Linda & Peter McWilliam 19pts Michael Trippick / Howard Wilkins 10pts Debbie Martin / Phil Malin 16pts |
Nuala |